Karandeep Singh

Karandeep Singh

Stay ahead of the game in the world of DevOps with our expert insights and practical tips. Our website offers the latest trends and best practices in software development, infrastructure automation, continuous delivery, containerization, cloud-native architectures, and more.

Welcome to my page! My name is Karandeep Singh, a dedicated DevOps Developer based in Calgary. My mission is to improve myself, those around me, and the tech community at large. I am always eager to learn, share, and collaborate on projects related to DevOps, AWS, Jenkins, programming, and more.


As a technology enthusiast, I am passionate about staying up-to-date with the latest advancements and trends in the industry. My journey in the world of technology began with a fascination for programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Over time, my interest expanded to include various aspects of cloud computing, serverless architecture, pipeline management, infrastructure as code, API design, and NoSQL databases.

My expertise spans a wide range of technologies, including Go language and its frameworks, AWS web services, Google Firebase, Flutter, Terraform, Ansible, and Node.js. I love working with these tools and pushing their boundaries to create innovative solutions for today’s complex problems.

Attention: Constant Growth and Learning

I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong process, and I’m committed to constantly improving my skills and knowledge in my field. By staying curious and keeping an open mind, I continue to explore new ideas, techniques, and technologies that shape the future of DevOps and cloud computing.

Through my articles, I aim to share my learnings and experiences with you, hoping to inspire and help you grow along with me. My writing covers a wide range of topics, from in-depth tutorials and case studies to industry insights and thought-provoking discussions on emerging trends.

Interest: Sharing Knowledge and Collaboration

One of my favorite aspects of being a part of the tech community is the opportunity to share my knowledge and help others. I find immense satisfaction in collaborating with like-minded individuals and contributing to the collective wisdom of the industry.

By sharing my expertise and experiences through articles, presentations, and discussions, I hope to foster a sense of camaraderie and collaboration within the tech community. I believe that by working together and learning from one another, we can achieve greater heights and create a brighter future for the world of technology.

Desire: Making a Difference and Building Connections

My ultimate goal is to make a positive impact on my readers and the tech community as a whole. I strive to create content that is engaging, informative, and enjoyable to read, sparking curiosity and excitement about the world of DevOps, cloud computing, and other technologies.

In addition to expanding my own knowledge and skills, I also seek to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, countries, and cultures. I believe that building meaningful connections and friendships can lead to incredible opportunities for growth, both personally and professionally.

Action: Join Me on My Journey

If you share my passion for DevOps, programming, and cloud computing, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey. Together, we can learn, grow, and create lasting connections that will enrich our lives and the tech community as a whole.

To stay updated on my latest articles and insights, be sure to follow my author page and connect with me on social media. I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you, and I can’t wait to see where our journey takes us. Let’s make a difference together!

75 Posts by this author
Discover how DevOps integrates with AI to revolutionize software development, focusing on improved efficiency, automation, and continuous delivery. Learn about the tools, strategies, and benefits of combining these powerful technologies.

How DevOps Integrates with AI: Enhancing Automation and Efficiency in Software Development

This comprehensive article explores the integration of DevOps and AI, highlighting how these technologies synergize to enhance efficiency and automation in software development processes. It covers key areas such as automated testing, continuous integration and delivery, predictive analytics, and AI-driven decision-making. The discussion includes practical examples, tools, and strategies employed by leading organizations to leverage AI within their DevOps practices, ultimately leading to faster deployments, improved reliability, and higher quality software solutions.

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Discover the profound impact of DevOps on organizational agility, productivity, and competitiveness. Gain valuable insights and practical strategies to leverage the power of DevOps and position your organization for sustained growth and innovation.

Unleashing Organizational Agility: The Transformative Power of DevOps Adoption

Unlock game-changing efficiency, collaboration, and innovation by embracing DevOps in your organization. This comprehensive guide unveils the remarkable benefits of DevOps implementation, from accelerated delivery cycles to enhanced security and cost optimization. Explore how DevOps empowers teams, streamlines processes, and propels your business to new heights of success in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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Discover the striking similarities between NBA strategies and DevOps practices in our detailed analysis. Learn how teamwork, strategic planning, and continuous improvement drive success in both high-stakes fields.

Full Court Press: How NBA Strategies Mirror DevOps Practices

This article explores the surprising parallels between NBA strategies and DevOps practices, demonstrating how principles of teamwork, strategic execution, and continuous improvement are crucial in both arenas. It delves into the roles of leadership, the importance of agile planning, the use of technology and analytics, and the management of high-pressure situations, providing insights into how these disciplines intersect to achieve excellence.

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Explore our in-depth guide on the Linux top command. Learn how to effectively monitor and manage system resources, discover practical examples, and navigate through advanced techniques to optimize your Linux system's performance. Perfect for both beginners and experienced system administrators.

Advanced Guide to Using the top Command in Linux

The Linux top command is an essential tool for real-time system monitoring, providing a dynamic overview of running processes and their resource consumption. This guide delves deep into the functionalities of the top command, offering users of all skill levels—from novices to seasoned system administrators—a detailed look at how to utilize this tool effectively. Starting with the basics of launching and reading top, the guide progresses through intermediate techniques like sorting and filtering processes, and advances into complex uses such as batch mode operation and remote system monitoring. Practical examples in each section demonstrate how to apply these techniques in real-world scenarios, enhancing understanding and skill. Additionally, the guide addresses common questions through a comprehensive FAQ section, equipping users with the knowledge to troubleshoot common issues and optimize system performance. The conclusion ties everything together, suggesting further resources for expanding beyond top to other diagnostic tools, thereby providing a rounded approach to system management. Whether you’re looking to refine your monitoring strategies or learn new ways to assess and manage system resources, this guide offers the insights and tools needed to master system monitoring with the top command.

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Discover how to leverage vmstat for detailed system monitoring and performance tuning. This guide covers everything from basic usage to advanced techniques, including practical examples and best practices to optimize your system's efficiency and stability.

Advanced Guide to Using the vmstat Command in Linux

This article provides an in-depth exploration of vmstat, a powerful tool for monitoring virtual memory and system performance. Starting with basic commands and moving through advanced functionalities, it offers practical examples to demonstrate each option of vmstat. Learn how to combine different options for comprehensive monitoring, automate tasks with scripting, and interpret outputs to diagnose and address system issues effectively. This guide also includes pro tips and best practices to enhance monitoring strategies, helping both new and experienced users maximize the utility of vmstat for system management and troubleshooting.

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Explore DevOps and cloud solutions for database scaling in microservices, featuring key technologies like Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, and GCP.

Advanced Strategies for Database Scaling in Microservices | DevOps

Delve into advanced database scaling for microservices, emphasizing DevOps and cloud solutions. This article highlights containerization with Docker and Kubernetes, deployment strategies like rolling and blue-green deployments, and the benefits of cloud platforms including AWS and GCP. Discover the importance of monitoring tools such as Prometheus and Grafana, and explore techniques like caching and asynchronous communication to optimize microservices performance. Gain actionable insights to effectively enhance scalability and efficiency in your microservices architecture.

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Explore key principles for designing scalable databases in microservices. Learn about schema design, data partitioning, and scaling techniques to enhance system performance.

Scalable Database Design Principles for Microservices | DevOps

Master scalable database design for microservices with this guide on essential design principles. Discover effective strategies including schema normalization, data partitioning with sharding and vertical partitioning, and advanced database scaling techniques like horizontal and hybrid scaling. Optimize your microservices architecture for peak performance and scalability.

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Build scalable & adaptable microservices databases for a future-proof architecture. Discover strategies for predictive planning, cutting-edge technologies, compliance, and more.

Strategies for Future-Proofing Database Scalability in Microservices | DevOps

This article explores key strategies to ensure long-term scalability and adaptability of your microservices databases. Learn how to leverage predictive analytics, cutting-edge database technologies like NewSQL and serverless models, and prioritize continuous learning within your team. Additionally, the importance of maintaining compliance with evolving data privacy regulations is emphasized. By following these practices, you can build a robust database infrastructure that empowers your microservices architecture for sustained growth and innovation.

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Learn how to harness the power of containers to optimize your DevOps stack and advance your career. Discover best practices, popular tools, and real-life examples for implementing microservices, streamlining workflows, and improving collaboration.

Navigating DevOps: Harnessing Containers for Next-Level Infrastructure

This article explores the intersection of DevOps and containers, providing practical insights and solutions for developers, DevOps engineers, and infrastructure professionals. With a focus on microservices, popular tools, and best practices, readers will gain a deeper understanding of how containers can enhance their DevOps stack, streamline workflows, and advance their careers.

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Dive into the world of DevOps with CouchDB, JavaScript, and Python. Explore the benefits of NoSQL databases, real-life success stories, and top resources to supercharge your DevOps journey.

Revolutionize Your DevOps Workflow with CouchDB, JavaScript, and Python

In this article, we discuss how CouchDB, JavaScript, and Python can revolutionize your DevOps workflow by fixing NoSQL problems for DevOps engineers. You’ll learn about the growing importance of DevOps, practical use cases, the advantages of NoSQL databases, and how CouchDB simplifies database management. We also share inspiring stories of companies like IBM, LinkedIn, BBC, CERN, and Credit Suisse, who have successfully harnessed the power of CouchDB in their workflows. Additionally, you’ll find a curated list of tutorials and resources to help you master CouchDB, JavaScript, and Python for efficient DevOps. Get ready to unlock the true potential of DevOps and stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of software development.

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Learn to scale databases in microservices: A detailed guide featuring practical tips, real-life examples, and insights into containers and DevOps for optimal application performance.

How to Scale Database in Microservices: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers

Dive into the world of database scaling in microservices, exploring techniques, tools, and best practices to enhance performance and efficiency. Learn how containerization technologies and DevOps practices can streamline your database scaling journey, with a focus on cloud-based solutions like AWS ECR and GCP managed databases. Discover actionable insights, expert tips, and real-world examples to make your microservices architecture more agile and responsive.

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DevOpsDays is a community-driven conference that brings together professionals from different areas of the tech industry to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore new ideas related to DevOps.

DevOpsDays: Where Tech, Culture, and Collaboration Meet

DevOpsDays is a unique and dynamic event that captures the spirit of the DevOps community. Attendees can expect to find a vibrant and inclusive environment that fosters learning, networking, and collaboration. The conference is organized around a series of talks, workshops, and open spaces, all designed to encourage participants to engage in lively discussions and share their experiences and insights.

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Discover the most popular DevOps tools being used in the industry, their functionalities, and best practices. This comprehensive guide covers various aspects of DevOps, including toolchain integration, AWS DevOps tools, and career growth through certifications.

DevOps Tools in the Industry: A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering the Art of DevOps

This article explores the popular DevOps tools being used in the industry, their functionalities, and best practices. It covers topics such as toolchain integration, AWS DevOps tools, and career growth through certifications. The guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the DevOps landscape and the essential skills to excel in this domain.

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Explore the advantages and challenges of microservices architecture, a popular software development paradigm that promotes scalability, flexibility, and fault tolerance, while also introducing complexity in areas like service management, testing, and deployment.

Breaking Down Microservices Architecture: Pros and Cons of This Emerging Software Development Paradigm

This article provides an in-depth analysis of microservices architecture, discussing its advantages, such as scalability, flexibility, and fault tolerance, as well as its challenges, including complexity, testing, and deployment. The article also offers best practices and resources for adopting microservices in software development projects.

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Explore 20 factors that contribute to the decline of Unix, as Linux and other modern technologies outpace the once-revolutionary operating system. Will Unix become a relic of the past in the next decade?

Unix Will Be Dead in 10 Years: The Decline of a Legacy Operating System

Unix, a once-dominant operating system, faces an uncertain future as Linux and other modern technologies take over the market. This article examines 20 factors contributing to Unix’s decline, including the rise of Linux, cloud computing, mobile and IoT devices, the decline of mainframes, the talent and skill gap, containerization, the open-source movement, hardware compatibility, vendor consolidation, security concerns, virtualization, web-based applications, cost efficiency, DevOps adoption, ecosystem support, scalability and performance, education and training, cross-platform development, the decline of monolithic applications, and emerging technologies.

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Learn how to create custom string functions in Bash with our comprehensive guide. Explore common functions like ltrim, rtrim, trim, reverse, len, uppercase, lowercase, substitute, capitalize, rot13, index, join, substring, repeat, and lastindex. Improve your Bash scripting skills by mastering these essential string functions and unlocking new possibilities for your projects.

Advanced String Operations in Bash: Building Custom Functions

In this blog post, we dive into the world of Bash scripting and explore how to create custom string functions to perform advanced string operations. We cover essential functions like ltrim, rtrim, trim, reverse, and len, and provide code examples to help you build these functions in your Bash scripts. By the end of this article, you’ll have a better understanding of how to create custom functions to save time and streamline your Bash scripting workflow.

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Discover how AWS empowers businesses with scalable solutions, robust security, and comprehensive support services. Transform and accelerate your operations with the power of Amazon Web Services.

Unlock the Power of Cloud Computing: How AWS Solutions Are Transforming Businesses

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a powerful platform that enables businesses to scale, innovate, and optimize their operations efficiently. With a range of services from cloud computing and global data management to advanced security features, AWS supports diverse business needs across industries. Tailored AWS support services enhance this experience, offering solutions from basic troubleshooting to expert advice, ensuring that businesses can maximize the benefits of cloud computing effectively.

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Learn how to use Boto3, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) SDK for Python, in conjunction with AWS Lambda to build powerful, serverless applications. We will explore use cases such as data warehousing, real-time data analytics, email sending, content moderation, automated testing, and chatbot.

Boto3 and AWS Lambda: A match made in serverless heaven

This article discusses the benefits of using Boto3 and AWS Lambda together for building serverless applications. It provides an example of how to use Boto3 to read data from an S3 bucket and process it using a Lambda function. The article also covers different use cases for Boto3 and AWS Lambda, including data warehousing, real-time data analytics, email sending, content moderation, automated testing and chatbot. It also provides some best practices for working with Boto3 and AWS Lambda to ensure optimal performance and security.

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Learn how to build serverless applications with AWS Lambda, a cost-effective and powerful service for running code without the need to provision or manage servers. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know, including how to create your first Lambda function, how to build a web application, how to add database support, and how to optimize performance.

How to Build Serverless Applications with AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to build and deploy applications without the need to provision or manage servers. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of AWS Lambda and how it can be used to build serverless applications. We’ll also discuss best practices for optimizing performance, using managed services, and monitoring and logging your functions. With the power of the cloud at your fingertips, you can quickly and cost-effectively develop and deploy powerful applications with AWS Lambda.

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 In this article, we will discuss some common issues that can arise when working with Amazon EC2 instances, and provide tips for troubleshooting these problems. We will also cover the tools and resources that can be used to resolve issues, and discuss best practices for avoiding problems in the future.

Troubleshooting common EC2 issues

Amazon EC2 instances are a powerful and flexible tool for running applications in the cloud, but like any system, they can sometimes experience problems. In this article, we have provided a list of tips and techniques for troubleshooting common issues with EC2 instances. These include using the EC2 dashboard and AWS CLI, using open source libraries, and using monitoring and logging tools. We have also discussed some common issues that can arise, such as connectivity problems, performance issues, and software or configuration errors. By following these tips and best practices, you can ensure that your EC2 instances are running smoothly and efficiently.

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Create a new Image Recipe

Step 01: Go to the existing Image Recipe Step 02: Create a new version of the Test Image recipe from the Test Image Recipe Step 03: Update the version of the Image Recipe Step 04: Update the Image Recipe options as needed and Create Recipe Step 05: Make sure you have a new version of the Image Recipe Step 06: Go to the existing Image Pipeline Step 07: Edit the pipeline Step 08: Update the new Image Recipe Version and Save Changes Step 09: Run the Pipeline again Step 10: Go to the EC2 running instances Here you will find an EC2 instance that is being used for building the image.

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A Developer's Playful Tale of JSON Validation & AWS Lambda | App Config

In this captivating tale, we explore the thrilling world of AWS AppConfig, JSON validation, and Lambda. You’ll learn how to manage your application configuration like a pro and tackle the Lambda validator with ease. With real-life examples, humor, and a conversational tone, this article will inspire and empower you to embark on your own DevOps adventure. Don’t miss out on this epic quest—click now to join the fun!

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Deploy hugo site to S3 with CodeBuild Deploy hugo site to S3 with CodeBuild

Deploy hugo site to S3 with CodeBuild

We’ve run the gamut in this guide, pals. From initial setup of your Hugo site and CodeBuild with a custom GoLang image, to sprinkling some Git and S3 magic for version control and deployment. And let’s not forget that ever-important buildspec.yaml file that’s the real MVP here. We even had a dash of trivia for the funsies. So now you’ve got all the know-how to roll out your Hugo site like a pro. Until next time, keep that code clean and your spirits high! 👩‍💻👨‍💻

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Example of the build spec file

Understanding and Crafting Your buildspec.yaml for AWS CodeBuild

This article explores advanced features of the buildspec.yaml file in AWS CodeBuild, essential for automating CI/CD pipelines. It covers everything from basic setups, like environment variables and build phases, to advanced functionalities including conditional builds, custom Docker environments, and matrix builds for parallel testing. Practical examples demonstrate how to enhance efficiency, manage complex workflows, and ensure precise deployments. The guide highlights how leveraging these sophisticated features can tailor CI/CD pipelines to specific project needs, significantly boosting development efficiency in cloud environments.

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