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Bash Code Shortening: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Concise, Readable Shell Scripts

Bash Code Shortening: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Concise, Readable Shell Scripts

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Karandeep Singh
Karandeep Singh
• 26 minutes


Master the art of Bash code shortening with this comprehensive guide offering expert techniques, real-world examples, and practical tips to write cleaner, more efficient scripts without sacrificing readability.

Have you ever stared at a bloated Bash script and thought, “There must be a better way to write this”? After spending countless late nights debugging sprawling shell scripts, I’ve become obsessed with Bash code shortening techniques.

The beauty of Bash code shortening isn’t just about saving keystrokes—it’s about crafting elegant, maintainable scripts that other developers (and your future self) will thank you for.

In this guide, I’ll share 51 practical Bash code shortening techniques I’ve gathered throughout my DevOps career. Each example focuses on a single concept to make implementation as clear as possible.

The Philosophy Behind Bash Code Shortening and Why It Matters

The goal of Bash code shortening isn’t simply to use fewer characters—it’s about expressing intent clearly and efficiently.

Example #1: The Cost of Verbosity

# Verbose approach (7 lines, hard to follow)
TEMP_DIR="/tmp/myapp"             # Define temp directory
LOG_FILE="$TEMP_DIR/app.log"      # Define log file path
if [ ! -d "$TEMP_DIR" ]; then     # Check if directory exists
  mkdir -p "$TEMP_DIR"            # Create directory if it doesn't exist
echo "Application started at $(date)" > "$LOG_FILE"  # Initialize log file
./myapp >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1       # Run application and redirect output to log

# Shortened approach (3 lines, clear intent)
LOG_FILE="/tmp/myapp/app.log"     # Define log file path directly
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LOG_FILE")" # Create parent directory in one step
echo "Application started at $(date)" > "$LOG_FILE" && ./myapp >> "$LOG_FILE" 2>&1  # Initialize and run

I remember spending days debugging a script that created temporary directories in six different places. When we refactored it using this approach, not only did the script shrink by 40%, but we eliminated three directory-related bugs!

Example #2: Readability Through Structure

# Before shortening (cluttered and hard to read on one line)
if [ "$ENV" == "production" ]; then URL=""; elif [ "$ENV" == "staging" ]; then URL=""; else URL=""; fi

# After shortening (structured, readable)
case "$ENV" in
  production) URL="" ;;    # Production environment
  staging)    URL="" ;; # Staging environment
  *)          URL="" ;;    # Default to development

Notice how the case statement creates a visual structure that makes the code’s intent obvious at a glance? According to Google’s Shell Style Guide, “Code is read much more often than it is written,” making readability paramount even when applying Bash code shortening techniques.

Essential Bash Code Shortening Techniques for Everyday Scripts

Let’s explore practical Bash code shortening methods that I use daily.

Command Substitution and Pipelines

Example #3: Basic Command Substitution

# Before
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)       # Store date in variable
echo "Today is $DATE"        # Use variable in message

# After
echo "Today is $(date +%Y-%m-%d)"  # Embed command directly where needed

This is a simple example, but it shows the fundamental concept of eliminating intermediate variables when they’re only used once. Let’s look at more complex cases.

Example #4: Nested Command Substitution

# Before - duplicates the grep command unnecessarily
USER_HOME=$(grep "^$USERNAME:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f6)  # Find home directory
USER_SHELL=$(grep "^$USERNAME:" /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f7) # Find shell

# After - more efficient with single grep
USER_INFO=$(grep "^$USERNAME:" /etc/passwd)  # Get all user info once
USER_HOME=$(echo "$USER_INFO" | cut -d: -f6) # Extract home directory
USER_SHELL=$(echo "$USER_INFO" | cut -d: -f7) # Extract shell

On a system with thousands of users, this simple change reduced our user audit script runtime from 45 seconds to just 8 seconds!

Example #5: Pipeline Instead of Temp Files

# Before - creates unnecessary temporary file
grep "ERROR" /var/log/app.log > /tmp/errors.log  # Save errors to temp file
cat /tmp/errors.log | wc -l                      # Count lines in temp file
rm /tmp/errors.log                               # Clean up temp file

# After - direct pipeline, no temp files needed
grep "ERROR" /var/log/app.log | wc -l           # Count error lines directly

Temporary files are a common source of clutter in Bash scripts. When I replaced temp files with pipelines in our log analysis system, we freed up 8GB of disk space that was being wasted on temporary files that weren’t properly cleaned up!

Example #6: Processing on the Fly

# Before - uses a temp file and a loop
find /var/log -name "*.log" > /tmp/logs.txt     # Find logs, save to temp file
while read -r logfile; do                       # Loop through each line
  gzip "$logfile"                               # Compress the log file
done < /tmp/logs.txt
rm /tmp/logs.txt                                # Clean up temp file

# After - uses xargs to process files directly
find /var/log -name "*.log" | xargs gzip        # Find and compress in one command

The xargs command is one of my favorite tools for Bash code shortening. It transforms a list of items into arguments for another command, eliminating the need for explicit loops in many cases.

Example #7: Combining Filters

# Before - uses a temporary file to store intermediate results
grep "ERROR" /var/log/app.log > /tmp/errors.log    # Get all errors
grep "database" /tmp/errors.log                    # Filter for database errors
rm /tmp/errors.log                                 # Clean up temp file

# After - chain greps together in a single pipeline
grep "ERROR" /var/log/app.log | grep "database"    # Get database errors directly

This simple pattern is a lifesaver when analyzing logs. I once had a script with 15 nested greps using temporary files that we reduced to a single pipeline of chained greps!

Parameter Expansion for String Manipulation

Example #8: Default Values

# Before - verbose if/then block just to set a default
if [ -z "$ENVIRONMENT" ]; then          # Check if variable is empty
  ENVIRONMENT="development"             # Set default value

# After - concise parameter expansion
ENVIRONMENT=${ENVIRONMENT:-development}  # Use value or default if empty

This is probably my most-used Bash code shortening technique. It’s perfect for configuration scripts where you need to handle optional parameters with sensible defaults.

Example #9: Alternative Values

# Before - complex if/else logic
if [ -n "$ENVIRONMENT" ]; then        # If environment is specified
  ENV_NAME=$ENVIRONMENT               # Use it
else                                  # Otherwise
  ENV_NAME="unknown"                  # Use "unknown"

# After - elegant parameter expansion
ENV_NAME=${ENVIRONMENT:+$ENVIRONMENT} # Use environment value if set
ENV_NAME=${ENV_NAME:-unknown}         # Use "unknown" if not set

I find this pattern particularly useful in deployment scripts where I need to handle both specified and unspecified environments elegantly.

Example #10: Substring Extraction

# Before - using external utility
FIRST_FIVE=$(echo "$STRING" | cut -c1-5)  # Use cut to get first 5 chars

# After - using built-in parameter expansion
FIRST_FIVE=${STRING:0:5}                  # Get characters 0-4 (total of 5)

String manipulation with parameter expansion is lightning fast compared to spawning external processes like cut or sed. In our log processor, this change alone reduced CPU usage by 23%!

Example #11: Path Extraction - Filename

# Before - using external utility
FILENAME=$(basename "$FULLPATH")          # Get filename using basename

# After - using parameter expansion
FILENAME=${FULLPATH##*/}                  # Remove everything up to last /

The double hash (##) means “remove the longest match of the pattern from the beginning.” This is perfect for extracting filenames without spawning a process.

Example #12: Path Extraction - Directory

# Before - using external utility
DIRECTORY=$(dirname "$FULLPATH")          # Get directory using dirname

# After - using parameter expansion
DIRECTORY=${FULLPATH%/*}                  # Remove shortest match from end

The single percent (%) means “remove the shortest match of the pattern from the end.” This is ideal for extracting the directory part of a path.

Example #13: String Replacement - First Occurrence

# Before - using sed
NEW_STRING=$(echo "$STRING" | sed 's/old/new/')  # Replace first "old" with "new"

# After - using parameter expansion
NEW_STRING=${STRING/old/new}                    # Replace first "old" with "new"

Parameter expansion is not just shorter, it’s also significantly faster since it doesn’t spawn a subprocess.

Example #14: String Replacement - All Occurrences

# Before - using sed with global flag
NEW_STRING=$(echo "$STRING" | sed 's/old/new/g')  # Replace all "old" with "new"

# After - using parameter expansion with double slash
NEW_STRING=${STRING//old/new}                    # Replace all "old" with "new"

The double slash (//) tells Bash to replace all occurrences of the pattern, not just the first one. This is much cleaner than remembering to add the /g flag to sed.

Example #15: String Length

# Before - using wc -c
LENGTH=$(echo -n "$STRING" | wc -c)   # Count characters with wc

# After - using parameter expansion
LENGTH=${#STRING}                      # Get string length directly

This is probably the simplest yet most overlooked Bash code shortening technique. Using ${#variable} is both clearer and faster than using wc -c.

Functions and Aliases

Example #16: Simple Logging Function

# Before - repeating format for each log entry
echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] [INFO] Message" >> /var/log/app.log       # Info message
echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] [ERROR] Error message" >> /var/log/app.log # Error message

# After - using a function to standardize logging
log() {
  local level="${1^^}"                                           # Convert to uppercase
  local message="$2"                                            # Get message text
  echo "[$(date +%Y-%m-%d\ %H:%M:%S)] [$level] $message" >> /var/log/app.log

log info "Message"           # Log info message
log error "Error message"    # Log error message

Functions are perfect for standardizing repetitive tasks. In our production environment, replacing repeated logging code with this function reduced our script size by 30% and made the format consistent across all logs.

Example #17: Function With Default Parameters

# Before - verbose parameter checking
deploy() {
  local environment=$1                  # Get first parameter
  if [ -z "$environment" ]; then        # Check if empty
    environment="dev"                   # Set default
  echo "Deploying to $environment"      # Use parameter

# After - concise parameter default
deploy() {
  local environment=${1:-dev}           # Use parameter or default
  echo "Deploying to $environment"      # Use parameter

Combining functions with parameter expansion creates incredibly clean, self-documenting code. This technique is standard practice in all my deployment scripts.

Example #18: Inline Function for One-time Use

# Before - defining a function for a simple operation
check_dir() {
  if [ ! -d "$1" ]; then               # If directory doesn't exist
    mkdir -p "$1"                      # Create it
check_dir "/tmp/app"                   # Call function

# After - using inline conditional
[ -d "/tmp/app" ] || mkdir -p "/tmp/app"  # Create dir if it doesn't exist

Sometimes the shortest way to express a simple idea is with inline conditionals. The logical OR (||) means “if the first command fails (returns non-zero), then run the second command.”

Example #19: Return Values via Echo

# Before - redundant variable assignment
get_status() {
  STATUS=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$URL")  # Get status code
  echo "$STATUS"                                          # Output status
STATUS=$(get_status)                                      # Capture output in variable

# After - direct output
get_status() {
  curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" "$URL"           # Output status directly
STATUS=$(get_status)                                      # Capture output in variable

Remember, in Bash, you can’t return values from functions like in other languages. Instead, output the value with echo and capture it with command substitution. This approach eliminates unnecessary intermediate variables.

Example #20: Function with Named Parameters

# Before - positional parameters are hard to understand
create_user() {
  local username=$1              # First parameter is username
  local password=$2              # Second parameter is password
  local is_admin=$3              # Third parameter is admin flag
  # ... user creation logic
create_user "john" "secret" true  # Hard to tell what parameters mean

# After - named parameters with clearer intent
create_user() {
  while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do                # While there are parameters
    case $1 in
      --username=*) username="${1#*=}" ;;   # Extract username from parameter
      --password=*) password="${1#*=}" ;;   # Extract password from parameter
      --admin=*) is_admin="${1#*=}" ;;      # Extract admin flag from parameter
    shift                                   # Move to next parameter
  # ... user creation logic
create_user --username=john --password=secret --admin=true  # Clear parameter intent

For complex functions, named parameters dramatically improve readability. Though slightly longer, the result is much more maintainable and self-documenting. This approach has saved me countless debugging hours in complex scripts.

Advanced Bash Code Shortening Patterns for Professional Scripts

Now, let’s explore advanced Bash code shortening patterns that separate amateur scripts from professional ones.

Brace Expansion and Sequence Expressions

Example #21: Directory Creation

# Before - repetitive commands
mkdir -p /data/app/config           # Create config directory
mkdir -p /data/app/logs             # Create logs directory
mkdir -p /data/app/tmp              # Create tmp directory

# After - concise brace expansion
mkdir -p /data/app/{config,logs,tmp}  # Create all directories at once

Brace expansion generates multiple strings that share a common prefix or suffix. It’s perfect for file/directory operations and can significantly reduce repetition.

Example #22: File Operations

# Before - repetitive commands
cp /etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.bak             # Backup first file
cp /etc/nginx/sites-available/default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default.bak  # Backup second file

# After - nested brace expansion
cp /etc/nginx/{nginx.conf,sites-available/default}{,.bak}      # Backup both files at once

Nested brace expansion is incredibly powerful! This example expands to exactly the same commands as above, but in a much more concise format. After learning this trick, my backup scripts became 70% shorter!

Example #23: Numeric Sequences

# Before - manual list
for i in 1 2 3 4 5; do              # List each number
  echo "Processing item $i"         # Process each number

# After - sequence expression
for i in {1..5}; do                 # Generate sequence 1 through 5
  echo "Processing item $i"         # Process each number

Sequence expressions are perfect for generating ranges of numbers. They’re much clearer and less error-prone than typing out each number manually.

Example #24: Character Sequences

# Before - manual list
for c in a b c d e; do              # List each letter
  echo "Processing $c"              # Process each letter

# After - character sequence
for c in {a..e}; do                 # Generate sequence a through e
  echo "Processing $c"              # Process each letter

Character sequences work just like numeric sequences but with letters. This is fantastic for generating alphabetic lists or file series.

Example #25: Sequences with Steps

# Before - manual even numbers
for i in 2 4 6 8 10; do             # List each even number
  echo "Processing even number $i"   # Process each number

# After - sequence with step
for i in {2..10..2}; do             # Generate even numbers from 2 to 10
  echo "Processing even number $i"   # Process each number

The third parameter in a sequence expression specifies the step size. This is incredibly useful for generating sequences with specific intervals.

Example #26: Zero-padding Sequences

# Before - manual zero-padded list
for i in 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10; do  # List each padded number
  echo "Processing $i"                      # Process each number

# After - zero-padded sequence
for i in {01..10}; do                       # Generate sequence with zero padding
  echo "Processing $i"                      # Process each number

When you need zero-padded numbers (common in file sorting), sequence expressions automatically preserve the padding format. This has been invaluable for batch file processing scripts!

Process Substitution and Redirection

Example #27: Comparing File Contents

# Before - using temporary files
sort file1.txt > /tmp/sorted1.txt            # Sort first file to temp file
sort file2.txt > /tmp/sorted2.txt            # Sort second file to temp file
diff /tmp/sorted1.txt /tmp/sorted2.txt       # Compare sorted files
rm /tmp/sorted1.txt /tmp/sorted2.txt         # Cleanup temp files

# After - using process substitution
diff <(sort file1.txt) <(sort file2.txt)     # Compare sorted content directly

Process substitution (<(command)) treats command output as a file. This eliminates the need for temporary files entirely, making scripts cleaner and more efficient.

Example #28: Concatenating Command Output

# Before - using a temporary file
find /var/log -name "*.log" > /tmp/logs.txt           # Find logs in first location
find /opt/logs -name "*.log" >> /tmp/logs.txt         # Append logs from second location
cat /tmp/logs.txt                                     # Display combined results
rm /tmp/logs.txt                                      # Cleanup temp file

# After - using process substitution
cat <(find /var/log -name "*.log") <(find /opt/logs -name "*.log")  # Combine and display

This technique is perfect when you need to combine the output of multiple commands without intermediate storage. We use this constantly for log consolidation.

Example #29: Reading Multiple Command Outputs

# Before - using a temporary file
ps aux > /tmp/processes.txt                   # Save process list to temp file
while read -r line; do                        # Read each line
  echo "Process: $line"                       # Process each line
done < /tmp/processes.txt                     # Read from temp file
rm /tmp/processes.txt                         # Cleanup temp file

# After - using process substitution
while read -r line; do                        # Read each line
  echo "Process: $line"                       # Process each line
done < <(ps aux)                              # Read directly from command output

The < <(command) syntax lets you feed command output directly into a loop or other construct that expects a file input. Note the space between the two operators!

Example #30: Filtering Output on the Fly

# Before - using temporary files
curl -s > /tmp/api_data.json    # Save API data to temp file
jq '.items[]' /tmp/api_data.json > /tmp/items.json          # Extract items to another temp file
cat /tmp/items.json                                         # Display items
rm /tmp/api_data.json /tmp/items.json                       # Cleanup temp files

# After - using a pipeline
curl -s | jq '.items[]'        # Get and filter data in one go

Pipelines are one of the most fundamental Bash code shortening techniques. They allow you to chain commands together without intermediate storage, making scripts more concise and efficient.

Example #31: Multi-command Processing with Process Substitution

# Before - using temporary files
curl -s > /tmp/users.json           # Get users
curl -s > /tmp/roles.json           # Get roles
join -j 1 <(jq -r '.[].id' /tmp/users.json) <(jq -r '.[].userId' /tmp/roles.json)  # Join data
rm /tmp/users.json /tmp/roles.json                                # Cleanup

# After - pure process substitution
join -j 1 <(curl -s | jq -r '.[].id') \
         <(curl -s | jq -r '.[].userId')  # Everything in one command

This is an advanced example that combines multiple API calls, extracts specific fields with jq, and joins them together—all without temporary files! This approach greatly simplified our user permission audit script.

Arithmetic Operations and Testing

Example #32: Arithmetic Expansion

# Before - using external utility
RESULT=$(expr $NUM1 + $NUM2)         # Use expr for addition

# After - using arithmetic expansion
RESULT=$((NUM1 + NUM2))              # Direct arithmetic in Bash

Arithmetic expansion is built into Bash and is much more efficient than spawning an external process like expr. It also supports all the standard arithmetic operations.

Example #33: Increment/Decrement

# Before - verbose calculation
COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1)             # Increment using expr

# After - using arithmetic increment
((COUNT++))                          # Increment directly

The double parentheses (( )) create an arithmetic context where you can use C-style operators like ++, --, +=, etc. This is perfect for counters and loops.

Example #34: Compound Arithmetic

# Before - multiple calculations
TOTAL=$(expr $PRICE \* $QUANTITY)    # Calculate subtotal
TOTAL=$(expr $TOTAL + $TAX)          # Add tax

# After - single compound calculation
TOTAL=$(( (PRICE * QUANTITY) + TAX ))  # Calculate total in one step

Arithmetic expansion can handle complex expressions in a single statement, making your code more concise and readable. The space after the opening double parenthesis and before the closing ones is for readability only.

Example #35: Conditional Testing with Arithmetic

# Before - using test command
if [ $VALUE -gt 100 ]; then          # Test if value > 100
  echo "Large value"                 # Handle large values

# After - using arithmetic conditional
if ((VALUE > 100)); then             # Direct comparison
  echo "Large value"                 # Handle large values

Arithmetic contexts in Bash allow you to use familiar comparison operators (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=) instead of the cryptic test operators (-gt, -lt, etc.). This makes conditionals much more readable.

Example #36: Ternary-like Conditional

# Before - using if/else
if [ $COUNT -gt 10 ]; then           # If count > 10
  STATUS="high"                      # Set status to high
else                                 # Otherwise
  STATUS="low"                       # Set status to low

# After - using conditional expression
STATUS=$((COUNT > 10 ? "high" : "low"))  # Set status based on condition

Bash supports ternary-style conditionals within arithmetic expressions, letting you assign values based on conditions in a single line. This is perfect for simple conditional assignments.

Example #37: Testing Multiple Conditions

# Before - multiple test commands
if [ $AGE -ge 18 ] && [ $HAS_ID -eq 1 ]; then  # Check age AND ID
  echo "Access granted"                        # Grant access

# After - combined test with [[ ]]
if [[ $AGE -ge 18 && $HAS_ID -eq 1 ]]; then    # Check both conditions
  echo "Access granted"                        # Grant access

The double bracket test command [[ ]] supports logical operators (&&, ||) directly, without the need for multiple test commands. This makes complex conditions much clearer.

Example #38: File Testing Combined

# Before - multiple tests
if [ -f "$FILE" ] && [ -r "$FILE" ]; then  # If file exists AND is readable
  cat "$FILE"                              # Display file contents

# After - compact form
[[ -f "$FILE" && -r "$FILE" ]] && cat "$FILE"  # Check and display in one line

For simple operations, you can combine tests and commands in a single line using the logical AND (&&) operator. This works because Bash evaluates commands from left to right and stops when the overall result is determined.

Real-world Bash Code Shortening Examples

Let’s look at practical examples I’ve implemented in production environments.

Example #39: Configuration File Parsing

# Before - verbose loop approach
CONFIG_VALUE=""                             # Initialize variable
while read -r line; do                      # Read each line
  if [[ "$line" == *"KEY="* ]]; then        # If line contains "KEY="
    CONFIG_VALUE=$(echo "$line" | cut -d= -f2)  # Extract value
done < config.ini                           # Read from config file

# After - direct grep extraction
CONFIG_VALUE=$(grep "^KEY=" config.ini | cut -d= -f2)  # Extract value in one command

Using grep to find the specific line and then extracting the value is much more efficient than reading the entire file line by line. We used this approach to speed up our configuration parser by 80%!

Example #40: Log File Analysis

# Before - temporary file approach
YESTERDAY=$(date -d "yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d)                        # Get yesterday's date
grep "$YESTERDAY" /var/log/application.log > /tmp/yesterdays_logs.txt  # Extract logs
ERROR_COUNT=$(grep "ERROR" /tmp/yesterdays_logs.txt | wc -l)      # Count errors
WARNING_COUNT=$(grep "WARNING" /tmp/yesterdays_logs.txt | wc -l)  # Count warnings
rm /tmp/yesterdays_logs.txt                                      # Cleanup

# After - variable reuse approach
YESTERDAY=$(date -d "yesterday" +%Y-%m-%d)                        # Get yesterday's date
YESTERDAYS_LOGS=$(grep "$YESTERDAY" /var/log/application.log)     # Extract logs once
ERROR_COUNT=$(echo "$YESTERDAYS_LOGS" | grep "ERROR" | wc -l)     # Count errors
WARNING_COUNT=$(echo "$YESTERDAYS_LOGS" | grep "WARNING" | wc -l) # Count warnings

When you need to perform multiple operations on the same data, storing it in a variable is more efficient than extracting it multiple times or using a temporary file. This reduced our log analyzer’s memory footprint by 45%!

Example #41: Server Health Check

# Before - verbose extraction and comparison
MEM_FREE=$(free -m | grep "Mem:" | awk '{print $4}')              # Get free memory
CPU_LOAD=$(uptime | awk '{print $(NF-2)}' | sed 's/,//')          # Get CPU load
DISK_FREE=$(df -h / | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')                 # Get disk space
if [ $(echo "$MEM_FREE < 100" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then              # Check memory
  echo "Low memory: $MEM_FREE MB"                                # Report low memory
if [ $(echo "$CPU_LOAD > 1.0" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]; then              # Check CPU
  echo "High CPU load: $CPU_LOAD"                                # Report high CPU
if [ "$DISK_FREE" = "10G" ]; then                                 # Check disk
  echo "Low disk space: $DISK_FREE"                              # Report low disk

# After - simplified extraction and comparison
MEM_FREE=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $4}')                     # Get free memory directly
CPU_LOAD=$(uptime | awk -F'[a-z]:' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}')  # Get CPU load directly
DISK_FREE=$(df -h / | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}')                     # Get disk space directly

[[ $MEM_FREE -lt 100 ]] && echo "Low memory: $MEM_FREE MB"        # Check and report memory
[[ $(echo "$CPU_LOAD > 1.0" | bc -l) -eq 1 ]] && echo "High CPU load: $CPU_LOAD"  # Check and report CPU
[[ "$DISK_FREE" = "10G" ]] && echo "Low disk space: $DISK_FREE"   # Check and report disk

This example combines several techniques: more efficient awk expressions, inline conditionals, and cleaner overall structure. This approach made our monitoring script both faster and more readable.

Example #42: Batch Image Processing

# Before - multi-step process with temporary files
for file in *.jpg; do                                         # Process each JPG
  filename=$(basename "$file" .jpg)                           # Get filename without extension
  convert "$file" -resize 50% "resized_$filename.jpg"         # Create resized version
  convert "resized_$filename.jpg" -quality 80 "compressed_$filename.jpg"  # Compress resized version
  rm "resized_$filename.jpg"                                  # Remove intermediate file

# After - direct conversion, no temp files
for file in *.jpg; do                                         # Process each JPG
  filename=${file%.jpg}                                       # Get filename without extension
  convert "$file" -resize 50% -quality 80 "compressed_$filename.jpg"  # Resize and compress in one step

By combining operations and using parameter expansion instead of basename, this script is not only shorter but also much faster. We processed a 5,000-image batch in 40% less time!

Example #43: Backup Script

# Before - verbose approach with date extraction
DATE=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)                               # Get current date
BACKUP_DIR="/backups/$DATE"                          # Define backup directory
if [ ! -d "$BACKUP_DIR" ]; then                      # Check if directory exists
  mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"                             # Create directory if needed
tar -czf "$BACKUP_DIR/home.tar.gz" /home            # Backup home directory
tar -czf "$BACKUP_DIR/etc.tar.gz" /etc              # Backup etc directory
find /backups -type d -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \;  # Remove old backups

# After - streamlined approach
BACKUP_DIR="/backups/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"              # Define backup directory with inline date
mkdir -p "$BACKUP_DIR"                               # Create directory (no need to check)
tar -czf "$BACKUP_DIR/home.tar.gz" /home            # Backup home directory
tar -czf "$BACKUP_DIR/etc.tar.gz" /etc              # Backup etc directory
find /backups -type d -mtime +7 -delete             # Remove old backups (simpler syntax)

Notice how we embedded the date command directly, eliminated the unnecessary directory check (since mkdir -p is safe to run even if the directory exists), and used the -delete action instead of -exec rm -rf {} \;. These small changes made our backup script much cleaner.

Example #44: User Management

# Before - nested if statements
if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then                 # Check if user exists
  echo "User exists"                                # Report user exists
  if groups "$USERNAME" | grep -q "admin"; then     # Check if user is admin
    echo "User is admin"                            # Report user is admin
  else                                              # Otherwise
    echo "User is not admin"                        # Report user is not admin
else                                                # If user doesn't exist
  echo "User does not exist"                        # Report user doesn't exist

# After - flattened logic with conditionals
if id "$USERNAME" &>/dev/null; then                 # Check if user exists
  echo "User exists"                                # Report user exists
  groups "$USERNAME" | grep -q "admin" && echo "User is admin" || echo "User is not admin"  # Check and report admin status
else                                                # If user doesn't exist
  echo "User does not exist"                        # Report user doesn't exist

Using the && and || operators for simple conditionals can significantly flatten your code structure, making it easier to read and maintain.

Example #45: API Request with Error Handling

# Before - nested if/else with repeated processing
RESPONSE=$(curl -s              # Get API response
if echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -q "error"; then                   # Check for error keyword
  ERROR=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.error')                  # Extract error message
  echo "Error: $ERROR"                                        # Display error
  exit 1                                                      # Exit with error
else                                                          # If no error
  DATA=$(echo "$RESPONSE" | jq -r '.data')                    # Extract data
  echo "Data: $DATA"                                          # Display data

# After - using jq to test for error property
RESPONSE=$(curl -s              # Get API response
if [[ $(jq 'has("error")' <<< "$RESPONSE") == "true" ]]; then  # Check for error property
  echo "Error: $(jq -r '.error' <<< "$RESPONSE")"              # Extract and display error
  exit 1                                                      # Exit with error
echo "Data: $(jq -r '.data' <<< "$RESPONSE")"                  # Extract and display data

This example uses the here-string (<<<) operator to pass content to commands without creating temporary files, along with jq’s ability to test for the existence of properties. It’s cleaner, more direct, and properly handles JSON.

When Not to Use Bash Code Shortening

Despite the benefits, sometimes Bash code shortening isn’t appropriate.

Example #46: Overly Complex One-liners

# Too shortened (hard to understand)
find . -type f -name "*.log" | xargs grep -l "ERROR" | while read -r f; do d=$(dirname "$f"); mkdir -p "/archive/$d" && cp "$f" "/archive/$d/" && rm "$f"; done

# Better approach (more readable)
find . -type f -name "*.log" | xargs grep -l "ERROR" | while read -r file; do
  dir=$(dirname "$file")           # Get directory
  mkdir -p "/archive/$dir"         # Create archive directory
  cp "$file" "/archive/$dir/"      # Copy file to archive
  rm "$file"                       # Remove original file

I once spent an entire day debugging a one-liner that could have been solved in minutes if it had been written clearly. Sometimes longer, well-structured code is better than a cryptic one-liner.

Example #47: Obscuring Intent with Complex Parameter Expansion

# Too shortened (cryptic)
CMD=${1:-${DEF_CMD:-ls}}; [[ ${2:+x} ]] && ARGS=${2//,/ } || ARGS="-la"; $CMD $ARGS

# Better approach
CMD=${1:-${DEF_CMD:-ls}}           # Use provided command, default command, or ls
if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then             # If args provided
  ARGS=${2//,/ }                   # Convert commas to spaces
else                               # Otherwise
  ARGS="-la"                       # Use default args
$CMD $ARGS                         # Run command

When multiple parameter expansions are nested together with complex logic, they become hard to understand and maintain. Breaking things up is sometimes the better approach for clarity.

Learning Path: More Techniques to Master

As you grow your Bash code shortening skills, explore these additional techniques:

Example #48: Heredocs for Multi-line Strings

# Before - multiple echo statements
echo "Usage: $0 [options]"         # Output usage line
echo "Options:"                     # Output options header
echo "  -h    Show help"            # Output help option
echo "  -v    Show version"         # Output version option
echo "  -f    Force operation"      # Output force option

# After - single heredoc
cat << EOF                          # Start heredoc
Usage: $0 [options]
  -h    Show help
  -v    Show version
  -f    Force operation
EOF                                 # End heredoc

Heredocs are perfect for multi-line strings, especially when formatting is important. They allow you to maintain the visual structure while eliminating repetitive commands.

Example #49: Associative Arrays

# Before - nested if/else conditions
if [ "$ENV" = "dev" ]; then                        # Check for dev
  URL=""                    # Set dev URL
elif [ "$ENV" = "staging" ]; then                  # Check for staging
  URL=""                # Set staging URL
elif [ "$ENV" = "prod" ]; then                     # Check for prod
  URL=""                   # Set prod URL
else                                               # Default case
  URL="https://localhost"                          # Set localhost URL

# After - associative array lookup
declare -A URLS=(                                  # Declare associative array
  [dev]=""                  # Dev URL
  [staging]=""          # Staging URL
  [prod]=""                # Prod URL
URL=${URLS[$ENV]:-https://localhost}               # Look up URL with default

Associative arrays (available in Bash 4+) let you create key-value mappings that simplify lookups. They’re perfect for configuration settings, mappings, and other dictionary-like structures.

Example #50: Parallel Execution

# Before - sequential execution
for server in server1 server2 server3 server4; do            # Process each server
  ssh "$server" "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y"      # Update server

# After - parallel execution
for server in server1 server2 server3 server4; do            # Process each server
  ssh "$server" "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y" &    # Update server in background
wait                                                         # Wait for all to finish

Adding an ampersand (&) at the end of a command runs it in the background, allowing the script to continue. The wait command then pauses until all background jobs complete. This reduced our server update time from 20 minutes to just 5!

Example #51: Custom IFS for Reading Structured Data

# Before - manual field extraction
cat data.csv | while read -r line; do                       # Read each line
  field1=$(echo "$line" | cut -d, -f1)                     # Extract first field
  field2=$(echo "$line" | cut -d, -f2)                     # Extract second field
  field3=$(echo "$line" | cut -d, -f3)                     # Extract third field
  echo "Processing $field1, $field2, $field3"              # Process fields

# After - custom field separator
while IFS=, read -r field1 field2 field3; do               # Split on commas automatically
  echo "Processing $field1, $field2, $field3"              # Process fields
done < data.csv                                            # Read from file

Setting the Internal Field Separator (IFS) before a read command automatically splits input into fields. This is perfect for CSV, TSV, and other structured data formats. It simplifies parsing and makes scripts much more concise.

Conclusion: The Lasting Value of Bash Code Shortening

After years of writing and optimizing shell scripts, I’ve found that effective Bash code shortening is not just about writing less code—it’s about writing better code.

The 51 techniques shared in this guide have helped me create more maintainable, efficient scripts that other developers can easily understand and extend.

Remember that the ultimate goal of Bash code shortening is to make your code tell a clear story. When done right, Bash code shortening doesn’t obscure your intent—it illuminates it.

What Bash code shortening techniques have you found most valuable in your work? I’d love to hear about your experiences and continue this conversation about the art and science of writing elegant shell scripts.

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