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Sed for JSON Manipulation: Parsing Without jq in 5 Simple Patterns

Karandeep Singh
• 16 minutes read


Learn how to effectively manipulate JSON files using sed with 5 reliable patterns for updating values, working with nested objects, modifying arrays, and preserving JSON validity.

“I need to update this JSON config file, but I can’t install jq on this server.”

If you’ve ever faced this scenario, you know the immediate sense of dread it brings. JSON’s nested structure and strict syntax make it notoriously difficult to manipulate with text-processing tools. Yet in locked-down environments, minimal containers, or legacy systems, installing specialized JSON parsers isn’t always an option.

That’s where sed comes in—the venerable stream editor available on virtually every Unix-like system. While parsing JSON with regex is generally discouraged (and rightly so), there are specific patterns and techniques that make it viable for common JSON manipulation tasks.

After years of DevOps work in environments where specialized tools weren’t available, I’ve refined a set of reliable sed patterns for JSON manipulation. In this guide, I’ll share the five most useful patterns I’ve developed, along with validation techniques to ensure your JSON remains valid after modification.

Why Use sed for JSON (And When to Avoid It)

Before diving into specific patterns, let’s address the elephant in the room: sed is not a JSON parser. Robert Love’s “Linux System Programming” emphasizes that using the right tool for each job is crucial for robust system programming. So why consider using sed for JSON at all?

Valid reasons include:

  1. Minimal environments - Containers, embedded systems, or locked-down servers where installing additional tools isn’t possible
  2. CI/CD pipelines - When adding dependencies complicates your workflow
  3. Simple, predictable changes - For quick updates to well-known JSON structures
  4. One-off scripts - When writing a dedicated parser is overkill
  5. Shell script integration - When your script already uses sed for other operations

However, you should avoid sed for JSON when:

  1. The JSON structure is highly variable or unpredictable
  2. You’re dealing with deeply nested structures
  3. The JSON includes complex array manipulations
  4. You need to query or transform the JSON structure
  5. Absolute reliability is critical (e.g., financial systems)

As Brian Ward notes in “How Linux Works”, text processing tools like sed operate on line-based patterns, while JSON is hierarchical. This fundamental mismatch means you need carefully crafted patterns for reliable results.

Pattern 1: Updating Simple Key-Value Pairs

The most straightforward JSON modification is updating a simple key-value pair at the root level. Let’s start with this basic JSON file (config.json):

  "apiVersion": "v1",
  "port": 8080,
  "debug": true,
  "logLevel": "info",
  "database": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "credentials": {
      "user": "admin",
      "password": "secret123"
  "features": ["authentication", "logging", "metrics"]

Replacing String Values

To update a simple string value:

# Update API version
sed -i 's/"apiVersion": "v1"/"apiVersion": "v2"/' config.json

This works by matching the exact key-value string and replacing it. However, this approach can be brittle because it doesn’t account for whitespace variations or the position in the file.

A More Robust Approach

Here’s a more reliable pattern using context and proper regex anchoring:

# Update API version with more robust pattern
sed -i 's/\("apiVersion": \)"v1"/\1"v2"/' config.json

This pattern:

  1. Uses a capture group \("apiVersion": \) to preserve the key part
  2. Only replaces the value portion "v1"
  3. Rebuilds the string with the captured key and new value

Updating Numeric Values

For numeric values, the pattern is similar:

# Update port number
sed -i 's/\("port": \)8080/\12000/' config.json

Toggling Boolean Values

For boolean values:

# Toggle debug mode from true to false
sed -i 's/\("debug": \)true/\1false/' config.json

Key Points for Pattern 1

According to “Unix Power Tools”, the most robust sed substitutions preserve context using capture groups. For JSON manipulation, I’ve found these practices essential:

  1. Use capture groups to preserve keys - Only replace the value portion
  2. Be specific with your patterns - Include enough context to prevent false matches
  3. Use minimal anchoring - Too strict patterns break with whitespace variations
  4. Test extensively - Verify your changes across formatting variations

Pattern 2: Navigating Nested Objects

JSON’s power comes from nested structures, which present a greater challenge for line-based tools like sed. Let’s tackle our nested database configuration:

"database": {
  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 5432,
  "credentials": {
    "user": "admin",
    "password": "secret123"

Approach 1: Single-Line Replacement for Shallow Nesting

For relatively shallow nesting (1-2 levels), you can use:

# Update database host
sed -i 's/\("database":[^{]*{[^}]*"host": \)"localhost"/\1""/' config.json

This pattern:

  1. Matches "database": followed by any characters up to the opening brace
  2. Continues matching until it finds "host":
  3. Captures all of this in a group
  4. Replaces only the host value

Approach 2: Line-Based Targeting for Deeper Nesting

For deeper nesting, a multi-line approach is more reliable:

# Update database user credentials
sed -i '/"credentials": {/,/}/s/\("user": \)"admin"/\1"dbadmin"/' config.json

This pattern:

  1. Restricts operations to lines between "credentials": { and the next }
  2. Within that range, performs a substitution to update the user

Approach 3: Recursive Descent for Deep Nesting

For the deepest nested structures, recursive descent with multiple conditions provides the most reliability:

# Update database password with deep nesting targeting
sed -i '/"database": {/,/}/{/"credentials": {/,/}/{s/\("password": \)"secret123"/\1"new-secure-pwd"/}}' config.json

This pattern:

  1. First restricts to the database object section
  2. Within that scope, further restricts to the credentials object
  3. Within that narrowed context, performs the password substitution

Key Points for Pattern 2

When working with nested JSON objects, the “Shell Scripting” guide recommends breaking complex patterns into logical units. For nested JSON, I’ve found:

  1. Use address ranges - Limit operations to specific sections with /pattern1/,/pattern2/
  2. Narrow scope progressively - Apply multiple filters to target deep structures
  3. Be wary of similar keys - Choose unique context patterns to avoid false matches
  4. Consider field position - Sometimes targeting by position is more reliable than by name

Pattern 3: Handling JSON Arrays

JSON arrays present unique challenges because their elements lack keys. Let’s work with this features array:

"features": ["authentication", "logging", "metrics"]

Replacing a Specific Array Element

To replace a specific array element, you need to target its exact position:

# Replace "logging" with "advanced-logging"
sed -i 's/\("features": \[\("[^"]*", \)*\)"logging"/\1"advanced-logging"/' config.json

This is quite complex, so let’s break it down:

  1. "features": \[ matches the array opening
  2. \("[^"]*", \)* matches any number of preceding elements with their commas
  3. "logging" targets the specific element
  4. \1 preserves everything before the target element

Adding an Element to an Array

Adding an element to the end of an array:

# Add "notifications" to the features array
sed -i 's/\("features": \[.*\)\]/\1, "notifications"]/' config.json

This pattern:

  1. Captures everything from "features": [ to just before the closing bracket
  2. Replaces the closing bracket with a comma, the new element, and a new closing bracket

Removing an Element from an Array

Removing an element is perhaps the trickiest operation:

# Remove "metrics" from features array
sed -i 's/\("features": \[.*\), "metrics"\]/\1]/' config.json

# Alternative for middle elements with comma handling
sed -i 's/\("features": \[.*\)"metrics", /\1/; s/\("features": \[.*\), "metrics"/\1/' config.json

The second example shows how to handle both cases (element with trailing comma and element with preceding comma).

Key Points for Pattern 3

Array manipulation requires careful consideration of edge cases. According to Brian Ward’s “How Linux Works”, text processing should account for all possible input variations:

  1. Consider element position - First, middle, and last elements need different handling
  2. Watch for commas - Ensure proper comma placement when adding/removing elements
  3. Use multiple passes if needed - Complex array operations may require multiple sed commands
  4. Validate afterwards - Array operations are particularly prone to breaking JSON validity

Pattern 4: Deleting Properties and Blocks

Sometimes you need to remove entire properties or blocks from JSON. This pattern handles both simple properties and complex nested structures.

Removing a Simple Property

To delete a simple key-value pair:

# Remove the logLevel property
sed -i '/"logLevel": "[^"]*"/d' config.json

This directly deletes any line containing the logLevel property.

Removing a Property and Fixing Commas

The previous approach doesn’t handle commas, which can break JSON syntax. Here’s a more robust approach:

# Remove logLevel property and handle trailing comma
sed -i '/"logLevel": "[^"]*",/d; s/,\s*\n\s*}/\n}/' config.json

# Remove logLevel property and handle preceding comma
sed -i 's/,\s*"logLevel": "[^"]*"//; s/\n\s*,/\n/' config.json

Removing a Nested Block

For removing entire nested structures, you need to identify the block boundaries:

# Remove the entire credentials object
sed -i '/"credentials": {/,/}/d' config.json

This removes all lines from the credentials object opening to its closing brace.

Safely Removing Blocks with Comma Handling

To handle commas properly when removing blocks:

# Remove credentials block and handle commas
sed -i -e '/"credentials": {/,/}/{ /,\s*$/{ s/,\s*$//; b; }; /^\s*}/{n;s/^\s*,\s*//;b}; d;}' config.json

This complex pattern:

  1. Identifies the credentials block boundaries
  2. If the line before the block ends with a comma, removes it
  3. If the line after the block starts with a comma, removes it
  4. Deletes all lines in the block

Key Points for Pattern 4

Removing elements requires particular attention to maintaining valid JSON syntax:

  1. Handle commas carefully - Both trailing and leading commas need cleaning up
  2. Consider whitespace - Account for various indentation patterns
  3. Multi-step approach - Complex removals may require multiple operations
  4. Validate structure - Removal operations are high-risk for breaking JSON syntax

Pattern 5: Adding New Properties and Objects

Finally, let’s look at adding entirely new properties or objects to JSON.

Adding a Simple Property

To add a property to the root object:

# Add a new timeout property at the root level
sed -i 's/\([^{]*{[^}]*\)}/\1,\n  "timeout": 30\n}/' config.json

This pattern:

  1. Captures everything from the opening { to the last property before the closing }
  2. Adds a comma, newline, and the new property before the closing brace

Adding a Nested Property

To add a property to a nested object:

# Add sslEnabled property to database object
sed -i '/"database": {/,/}/{s/\([^{]*{[^}]*\)}/\1,\n    "sslEnabled": true\n  }/}' config.json

This restricts the operation to the database section and then adds the new property.

Adding a Complete Nested Object

To add an entirely new nested object:

# Add a new monitoring object
sed -i 's/\([^{]*{[^}]*\)}/\1,\n  "monitoring": {\n    "enabled": true,\n    "interval": 60\n  }\n}/' config.json

This follows the same pattern but adds a multi-line JSON object with proper indentation.

Targeting Array Positions

For more precise positioning, you can target known properties:

# Add property after apiVersion
sed -i '/"apiVersion"/a\  "environment": "production",' config.json

This adds the new property on a new line after the line containing “apiVersion”.

Key Points for Pattern 5

Adding new properties requires careful attention to structure:

  1. Maintain proper indentation - Keep consistent formatting for readability
  2. Handle commas properly - Ensure commas separate properties correctly
  3. Consider pretty-printing afterward - Complex additions may benefit from reformatting
  4. Incremental approach - Add complex structures in multiple steps

Validation Techniques for sed-Modified JSON

After modifying JSON with sed, validation is crucial. Here are techniques I’ve developed to ensure JSON remains valid:

Basic Syntax Validation

The simplest approach uses Python (available on most systems):

# Validate JSON after modification
function validate_json() {
    python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$1'))" 2>/dev/null
    return $?

# Example usage
sed -i 's/"debug": true/"debug": false/' config.json
if ! validate_json config.json; then
    echo "JSON validation failed!"
    # Restore from backup if using sed -i.bak
    [ -f config.json.bak ] && mv config.json.bak config.json
    exit 1

In-Place Validation with Automatic Rollback

This pattern combines modification and validation in one step:

# Safe JSON editing with automatic rollback


# Create backup

# Perform modification
sed -i 's/"apiVersion": "v1"/"apiVersion": "v2"/' "$JSON_FILE"

# Validate
if ! python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$JSON_FILE'))" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON validation failed, rolling back changes"
    mv "$BACKUP" "$JSON_FILE"
    exit 1
    echo "JSON successfully modified and validated"
    # Remove backup if no longer needed
    rm "$BACKUP"

Pretty-Printing After Modification

For better readability after complex modifications:

# Modify and pretty-print JSON


# Create backup
cp "$JSON_FILE" "${JSON_FILE}.bak"

# Perform modification
sed -i 's/"port": 8080/"port": 9090/' "$JSON_FILE"

# Validate and pretty-print
if python3 -c "
import json, sys
with open('$JSON_FILE') as f:
    data = json.load(f)
with open('$JSON_FILE', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON successfully modified, validated, and formatted"
    echo "JSON validation failed, rolling back changes"
    mv "${JSON_FILE}.bak" "$JSON_FILE"
    exit 1

Structured Validation with Specific Checks

For more advanced validation:

# Validate specific JSON properties after modification


# Create backup
cp "$JSON_FILE" "${JSON_FILE}.bak"

# Perform modification
sed -i 's/"apiVersion": "v1"/"apiVersion": "v2"/' "$JSON_FILE"

# Validate structure and specific values
if python3 -c "
import json, sys
    with open('$JSON_FILE') as f:
        data = json.load(f)
    # Verify specific properties
    assert data['apiVersion'] == 'v2', 'API version not updated correctly'
    assert 'port' in data, 'Required property \"port\" is missing'
    print('JSON validation successful')
except Exception as e:
    print(f'Validation error: {e}')
" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON successfully modified and validated"
    echo "JSON validation failed, rolling back changes"
    mv "${JSON_FILE}.bak" "$JSON_FILE"
    exit 1

Real-World Examples: sed in CI/CD Pipelines

Let’s put these patterns into practice with real-world examples from CI/CD environments where specialized JSON tools might not be available.

Example 1: Dynamic Environment Configuration

# Update application.json for different environments


# Create backup

case "$ENV" in
    # Development environment settings
    sed -i 's/\("apiUrl": \)"[^"]*"/\1"https:\/\/"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("logLevel": \)"[^"]*"/\1"debug"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("debug": \)[^,]*/\1true/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i '/"features": \[/,/]/s/\("features": \[\)[^]]*\]/\1"login", "profile", "dev-console"]/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Staging environment settings
    sed -i 's/\("apiUrl": \)"[^"]*"/\1"https:\/\/"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("logLevel": \)"[^"]*"/\1"info"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("debug": \)[^,]*/\1false/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i '/"features": \[/,/]/s/\("features": \[\)[^]]*\]/\1"login", "profile"]/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Production environment settings
    sed -i 's/\("apiUrl": \)"[^"]*"/\1"https:\/\/"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("logLevel": \)"[^"]*"/\1"warn"/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("debug": \)[^,]*/\1false/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i '/"features": \[/,/]/s/\("features": \[\)[^]]*\]/\1"login", "profile"]/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Remove development-only settings
    sed -i '/"devTools": {/,/}/d' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    sed -i 's/,\s*\n\s*}/\n}/' "$CONFIG_FILE" # Fix trailing commas
    echo "Unknown environment: $ENV"
    exit 1

# Validate the JSON
if ! python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$CONFIG_FILE'))" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON validation failed, reverting changes"
    mv "${CONFIG_FILE}.bak" "$CONFIG_FILE"
    exit 1

echo "Successfully configured application for $ENV environment"

Example 2: Dynamic Kubernetes Resource Configuration

# Update Kubernetes resource limits in deployment.json


# Create backup

# Extract the current resource section for easier targeting
RESOURCE_SECTION=$(grep -A 10 '"resources":' "$DEPLOYMENT_FILE")

    # Small resource allocation
    sed -i '/"resources": {/,/}/{
      s/\("cpu": \)"[^"]*"/\1"100m"/
      s/\("memory": \)"[^"]*"/\1"128Mi"/
    # Medium resource allocation
    sed -i '/"resources": {/,/}/{
      s/\("cpu": \)"[^"]*"/\1"500m"/
      s/\("memory": \)"[^"]*"/\1"512Mi"/
    # Large resource allocation
    sed -i '/"resources": {/,/}/{
      s/\("cpu": \)"[^"]*"/\1"1000m"/
      s/\("memory": \)"[^"]*"/\1"1Gi"/
    echo "Unknown resource preset: $RESOURCE_PRESET"
    exit 1

# Also update replica count based on preset
    sed -i 's/\("replicas": \)[0-9]*/\11/' "$DEPLOYMENT_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("replicas": \)[0-9]*/\13/' "$DEPLOYMENT_FILE"
    sed -i 's/\("replicas": \)[0-9]*/\15/' "$DEPLOYMENT_FILE"

# Validate the JSON
if ! python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$DEPLOYMENT_FILE'))" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON validation failed, reverting changes"
    exit 1

echo "Successfully updated deployment resources to $RESOURCE_PRESET preset"

Example 3: Feature Flag Management

# Manage feature flags in config.json


# Validate input
if [ -z "$ACTION" ] || [ -z "$FEATURE" ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 [enable|disable|add|remove] feature_name"
    exit 1

# Create backup

# Check if features section exists
if ! grep -q '"features":' "$CONFIG_FILE"; then
    echo "Error: Features section not found in $CONFIG_FILE"
    exit 1

case "$ACTION" in
    # Enable an existing feature
    sed -i '/"features": {/,/}/{s/\("'"$FEATURE"'": \)false/\1true/}' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Disable an existing feature
    sed -i '/"features": {/,/}/{s/\("'"$FEATURE"'": \)true/\1false/}' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Add a new feature (enabled by default)
    sed -i '/"features": {/,/}/{/}/i\    "'"$FEATURE"'": true,}' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Remove a feature entirely
    sed -i '/"features": {/,/}/{/\s*"'"$FEATURE"'": [^,]*,\?/d}' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    # Fix trailing commas if needed
    sed -i '/"features": {/,/}/s/,\s*}/\n  }/' "$CONFIG_FILE"
    echo "Unknown action: $ACTION (use enable, disable, add, or remove)"
    exit 1

# Validate the JSON
if ! python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$CONFIG_FILE'))" 2>/dev/null; then
    echo "JSON validation failed, reverting changes"
    mv "${CONFIG_FILE}.bak" "$CONFIG_FILE"
    exit 1

echo "Successfully $ACTION""d feature '$FEATURE'"

Best Practices for JSON Manipulation with sed

After years of working with sed for JSON manipulation, I’ve established these best practices:

1. Always Create Backups

# Always use -i with a suffix for in-place editing
sed -i.bak 's/"debug": true/"debug": false/' config.json

As Robert Love emphasizes in “Linux System Programming”, data integrity requires defense-in-depth strategies.

2. Validate After Every Change

# Simple validation function
validate_json() {
    python3 -c "import json; json.load(open('$1'))" 2>/dev/null
    return $?

# Use with error handling
sed -i.bak 's/"debug": true/"debug": false/' config.json
if ! validate_json config.json; then
    echo "Invalid JSON after modification"
    mv config.json.bak config.json
    exit 1

3. Use Capture Groups for Context

# Bad: Fragile pattern without context
sed -i 's/"v1"/"v2"/' config.json  # Might replace wrong values!

# Good: Captures key context for precision
sed -i 's/\("apiVersion": \)"v1"/\1"v2"/' config.json

4. Break Complex Operations into Steps

# Update multiple values in stages with validation between steps
sed -i.bak1 's/"port": 8080/"port": 9090/' config.json
validate_json config.json || { mv config.json.bak1 config.json; exit 1; }

sed -i.bak2 's/"debug": true/"debug": false/' config.json
validate_json config.json || { mv config.json.bak2 config.json; exit 1; }

5. Consider Formatting Variations

# More flexible pattern that handles whitespace variations
sed -i 's/\("port"[[:space:]]*:[[:space:]]*\)8080/\19090/' config.json

According to Brian Ward in “How Linux Works”, robust pattern matching accounts for all valid input variations.

6. Document Complex Patterns

# Well-documented complex sed command
sed -i '
# Target the database credentials block
/"credentials": {/,/}/{
  # Replace the password with a new value
  s/\("password": \)"[^"]*"/\1"new-secure-password"/
}' config.json

7. Test on Representative Samples

Always test your patterns on sample data that represents all formatting variations you might encounter in production.

8. Consider Function Libraries

Build reusable functions for common JSON operations:

# Function library for JSON manipulation with sed
update_json_string_property() {
    local file="$1"
    local property="$2"
    local value="$3"
    sed -i.bak "s/\\(\"$property\": \\)\"[^\"]*\"/\\1\"$value\"/" "$file"
    if ! validate_json "$file"; then
        mv "$file.bak" "$file"
        return 1
    return 0

# Usage
update_json_string_property "config.json" "apiVersion" "v2"

Limitations and Alternatives

While these patterns are effective for many scenarios, there are limitations to using sed for JSON manipulation:

When to Use Other Tools

  1. Complex queries - When you need to extract data based on complex criteria
  2. Deeply nested structures - When targeting elements requires traversing many layers
  3. Large-scale transformations - When performing many operations that might compound errors
  4. Array manipulations - When operations go beyond simple replacements

Lightweight Alternatives to jq

If you can’t use jq but need more robust JSON handling, consider:

  1. Python one-liners - For systems with Python but no dedicated JSON tools

    python3 -c "
    import json, sys;
    data = json.load(open('config.json'));
    data['apiVersion'] = 'v2';
    json.dump(data, open('config.json', 'w'), indent=2)
  2. Node.js one-liners - For systems with Node.js installed

    node -e "
    const fs = require('fs');
    const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.json'));
    data.apiVersion = 'v2';
    fs.writeFileSync('config.json', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
  3. grep/cut/awk combinations - For extremely minimal environments

    # Extract a value using grep/cut (very primitive approach)
    grep '"apiVersion"' config.json | cut -d'"' -f4

Conclusion: Mastering sed for JSON Manipulation

While specialized JSON tools like jq are preferred when available, sed can be a powerful alternative in constrained environments. The five patterns we’ve explored provide a framework for reliably manipulating JSON using standard Unix tools:

  1. Updating simple key-value pairs - Direct value replacements with context preservation
  2. Navigating nested objects - Targeting specific sections with address ranges
  3. Handling JSON arrays - Strategies for list manipulation with comma handling
  4. Deleting properties and blocks - Removing elements while maintaining syntax
  5. Adding new properties - Injecting configuration with proper formatting

As with any advanced technique, practice and careful testing are essential. The validation strategies outlined here should be incorporated into your workflows to ensure your JSON manipulations maintain data integrity.

Remember Robert Love’s advice from “Linux System Programming”: use the right tool for the job. When you can install proper JSON parsers, do so. But when constraints require using sed, these patterns will help you navigate JSON manipulation with confidence.

Have you developed your own techniques for JSON manipulation with sed? I’d love to hear about your approaches and challenges in the comments below!
