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Why every programmer should use source control (and Git!)

Karandeep Singh
• 17 minutes read


Programmers use a source control tool daily to build websites, software and applications. Source control helps track changes that are made to the codebase. This makes it easier for teams to work together and navigate the codebase. There are many different forms of source control, such as centralized systems like SVN (Subversion) or CVS (Concurrent Version System) and distributed systems like Mercurial and Git. If you’re not already using source control, you might want to consider it! Here’s why.

Programmers use a source control tool daily to build websites, software and applications. Source control helps track changes that are made to the codebase. This makes it easier for teams to work together and navigate the codebase. There are many different forms of source control, such as centralized systems like SVN (Subversion) or CVS (Concurrent Version System) and distributed systems like Mercurial and Git. If you’re not already using source control, you might want to consider it! Here’s why.

Version control concept illustration

What is source control?

Source control, at its core, is a system that lets you track changes to your code. It may not seem relevant if you’re working on a small project or a text document, but it’s imperative in the world of programming. Git and GitHub are two popular tools for managing code in this manner. If something bad happens to your computer with your code on it, you can always go back to a previous version of the code stored in source control. You could have just tweaked an algorithm and realized they were causing unforeseen problems with data analysis. Therefore, you want to undo those changes before they mess up everything else.

Version control concept illustration

There are all sorts of reasons why using source control is beneficial. You never know when the next problem will arise where you wish you had some way to undo your last change without starting from scratch.

Plus, if you’re collaborating with someone remotely on a project, then using source control means both of you will be able to work simultaneously while keeping up-to-date on any new changes being made. And then there’s DevOps: teams need effective collaboration between software developers and IT operations professionals to deploy quality applications reliably and efficiently.

Programmers can be better. Sometimes you will want to go back to a previous version of your project. That’s where history comes in handy. Seeing what has been changed can help programmers find a bug or figure out which parts of their code need to be updated for new features. But there is one disadvantage: Source control systems have complicated interfaces that are not easy to learn, so most people don’t try or don’t have time to learn how it works.

So, projects like Bitbucket and Gitlab provide an alternative by making the process simpler and more user-friendly. They offer unlimited private repositories, a streamlined experience with smart Pull Requests, one-click repository sharing; built-in continuous integration support; user/project/organization dashboards, and intuitive UI elements and integrations across IDEs.

Partners holding big jigsaw puzzle pieces

With modern applications built on multiple technologies, developers often face an array of versioning issues. How should you respond if you find a bug in one part of your project?

In addition, working with multiple branches can be time-consuming and difficult; keeping everything straight and introducing new features for your customers can be difficult. On top of all that, repositories can quickly become disorganized and confusing. In addition, working with multiple branches can be time-consuming and difficult; keeping everything straight and introducing new features for your customers can be difficult. On top of all that, repositories can quickly become disorganized and confusing.

The benefits of using source control

Source control can be used to organize and track changes to projects. This is especially useful for programmers because it can be used not just to keep track of code but also for other files like design documents or marketing materials.

It is also helpful if something is deleted or corrupted by accident. When you have a backup of the file stored in your repository, you have access to it at all times. Other benefits include time tracking and versioning which can help with productivity, and conflict resolution when files may have been changed by more than one person.

1. Helps to keep track of changes

People carrying arrows in the opposite directions

Source control helps to keep track of changes that are made to software code. This is important because it allows developers to easily revert back to previous versions of the code if necessary. In addition, it allows developers to see who made which changes and when.

Versioning is also beneficial because it allows you to go back and review older versions of your project. You can compare differences between older and newer versions of a file or compare different versions from different programmers. The search feature makes finding files a breeze, whether old or new. A lot of versioning tools even offer a wiki function for allowing users to collaborate without having direct access to one another’s repositories. This helps make changes with input from others, increasing efficiency for everyone involved in a project.

2. Helps to prevent errors

500 internal server error concept illustration

Source control can also help to prevent errors from being introduced into software code. This is because developers can easily compare the current version of the code with previous versions in order to identify any potential errors. Additionally, source control can help to ensure that only tested and approved code is deployed into production.

3. Makes collaboration easier

People with puzzle

Source control makes collaboration between developers much easier. This is because each developer has their own copy of the code, and changes made by one developer can be easily merged into the main codebase by another developer. Additionally, source control systems typically provide a way for developers to leave comments on each other’s code, which can help to facilitate discussion and collaboration.

4. Allows for experimentation

Scientific laboratory science

Source control also allows for experimentation without affecting the main codebase. This is because developers can create separate branches for their experiments, and if they decide that the experiments are successful, they can then merge the branches back into the main codebase. Otherwise, they can simply delete the branch without affecting the main codebase.

5. Helps with documentation

Flat overwhelmed man illustration

Source control can also help with documentation, as it provides a way to easily track changes that have been made to the code over time. This information can be useful when writing documentation for a software project, as it can help to identify which parts of the code have changed and why those changes were made. Additionally, some source control systems allow developers to leave comments on specific lines of code, which can further help with documentation.

The ultimate goal of using source control is increased efficiency. If a developer needs to edit an old piece of code that he wrote two months ago, he can do so without accessing his old laptop or flash drive - all he needs to do is head over to his local repository! Developers will spend less time hunting down misplaced files and more time developing their software.

How to get started with Git

1. Choose a git client

As far as how you interact with Git is concerned, there are several ways to do so, but the most common is through a git client. A git client is a program that allows you to manage your git repositories. Some popular git clients include GitHub Desktop, GitKraken, and SourceTree.

2. Create a new repository

Once you have chosen a git client, you will need to create a new repository. A repository is simply a place where your code will be stored. You can create a new repository by clicking the “Create new repository” button on your git client.

3. Add files to your repository

Once you have created your repository, you can start adding files. To do this, drag and drop the files into your repository window. You can also choose files from your computer by clicking “Add files.”.

4. Commit your changes

Once you have added all the files you want to your repository, you must commit your changes. A commit is simply a way of saving your changes so you can revert back to them later if needed. To commit your changes, enter a message in the “Commit message” field and then click the “Commit” button.

5. Push your changes

Once you have committed your changes, you must push them to a remote server. Pushing means that you are sending your commits to a server so that they can be accessed by others. To push your changes, click the “Push” button on your git client.

6. Pull requests

If you would like others developers to be able to see and use your code, you will need to make a pull request. You can make a pull request by clicking the “New pull request” button on your git client. Pull requests are requests for someone else to review and merge your code into their own codebase.

What are some common git commands?

Version control systems such as Git are free and open-source. It’s most commonly used for computer code, but you can also use it for other files. Git tracks changes to files in the repository so that those who have access to it can keep track of when each change was made, as well as which person was responsible for the change.

To get a general idea of what’s going on in your repository, you can use some of its most basic commands. If you want to see all changes made within a specific file, for instance, you can execute git diff and pass it an argument pointing to that file. This will show you any changes in a new window or terminal. You can also view each individual change by running the git log with an argument pointing to that file. The output will be similar to what you would see if you used git diff, but it will show each revision individually and give additional information like who made that change and when they did so. A Git log is also useful if you want to see how one part of your project has evolved over time.

1. git init

This command is used to initialize a new git repository. It creates a .git directory in the current directory, which contains all of the necessary files for the repository.

2. git add

This command is used to add files to the staging area. This means that the files will be tracked by Git, but they will not be committed to the repository yet.

3. git commit

This command is used to commit changes to the repository. This will take all of the changes that were added to the staging area and save them in the repository.

4. git status

This command is used to check the status of the repository. This will show which files have been modified, which files are in the staging area, and which branch you are currently on.

5. git diff

This command is used to view the differences between two versions of a file. This can be useful for seeing what changes have been made before committing them to the repository.

6. git log

This command is used to view the history of the repository. This will show a list of all of the commits that have been made, along with the author and date for each commit.

7. git reset

Resetting your working directory to a specific commit can be useful if you want to undo changes made since the last commit.

8. git checkout

This command is used to checkout a specific file or directory from another branch. If you want to test out a change without affecting the main branch, this can be useful

9. git clone

This command is used to create a copy of an existing Git repository. It can be used to either create a local copy of a remote repository or to clone a remote repository onto your local machine.

10. git push

Commits are sent from your local repository to a remote repository with this command. This is typically used when you want to share your changes with others or to back up your data in a remote location.

11. git pull

This command is used to retrieve commits from a remote repository and merge them into your local repository. This is typically used when you want to update your local copy of a remote repository with the newest changes made by others.

What are some best practices for using Git?

Git is a system that facilitates the management of changes to files, particularly when multiple people are working on the same files. Git helps to track who made what changes and when. It also stores a history of everything so you can undo or redo any change. It also has tools for merging different development lines, resolving conflicts when two programmers try solving the same problem while also working on the same piece of code, and ensuring everyone always has the latest version!

1. Keep your commits small and focused

When writing code, it is important to keep your commits small and focused. This means that each commit should ideally only contain changes related to a single task or issue. This makes it easier to revert individual commits if necessary and also makes it easier for other people to understand the history of your code.

2. Write clear and concise commit messages

In addition to keeping your commits small and focused, you should also write clear and concise commit messages. Your commit message should briefly describe the changes that were made in that commit. This helps other people to understand the purpose of each commit and can also be helpful when you are trying to remember what you did in a particular commit later on.

3. Don’t commit to half-finished work

It can be tempting to want to commit your code as soon as you have something working, but it is generally best to wait until your code is fully finished before committing. This avoids having a history full of incomplete or broken code, making it easier to find the most recent working version of your code.

4. Test your code before committing

You should always test your code before committing it to make sure it works as intended. This helps to avoid committing code that contains bugs, which can save you a lot of time later on when trying to fix those bugs.

5. Use branches for experimental code

If you are working on code that is experimental or may not be ready for production, it is best to create a new branch for that code rather than adding it directly to the master branch. This allows you to easily revert any changes if necessary and also keeps the master branch clean so that it is easy to find the most recent working version of your code.

6. Merge branches carefully

When merging branches, it is important to carefully review the changes that will be made before merging them. This helps to avoid accidentally merging in broken or experimental code, which can cause problems down the road. Additionally, if there are conflicts between the two branches being merged, it is important to resolve those conflicts manually rather than simply letting the computer automatically merge them together. Otherwise, the result could be a patchwork quilt of uncompleted and poorly integrated code changes.

It’s hard to imagine going back to life without source control these days–it’s just too useful and efficient! As a coder, I rely heavily on Git for project organization and serverless cloud computing projects because I know it will help me get things done faster in the long run.

The 5 Best Version Control Systems for Programmers

1. Subversion

Subversion, or SVN, is a popular version control system that was created in 2000. It is open-source software that is used by many large organizations, including the Apache Foundation and the Wikimedia Foundation. Subversion is designed to be easy to use and easy to install. A number of features make it ideal for programming, including branching, tagging, and merging changes from different developers.

2. Git

Git is a system for version control created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel. The use of a distributed version control system, such as Git, means that each developer has a complete copy of the codebase. This allows developers to work independently of each other and makes it easier to track changes. Git is also very fast and has excellent support for branches and tags.

3. Mercurial

In 2005, Mercurial was created as a distributed version control system. It is similar to Git in many ways, but it is designed to be more user-friendly. Mercurial also has excellent support for branches and tags.

4. CVS

CVS is a popular version control system that was created in 1986. It is a centralized version control system, which means that there is a single server that contains all of the code for a project. CVS is widely used in the industry and offers several features that make it ideal for programming, such as branching and tagging and merging changes from different developers.

5. Perforce

Perforce is a commercial version control system that was created in 1995. It is similar to CVS but has several features that make it more suitable for large projects, such as scalability and security. Perforce also has excellent support for branches and tags.

Important considerations when choosing a source control management system for your business

Thoughtful woman with laptop looking at big question mark

The Git version control system has been used by open-source projects for years. It’s not hard to learn, and the best part is there are tons of tutorials out there to help you get started. Git also lets you do anything from small changes to an entire novel in one project while maintaining the clarity of what each file does. HTML files can be tracked too! If you’re looking for a more centralized solution, consider Subversion or Mercurial.

Make sure you take care of these things before you choose which one you should choose:

1. Ease of Use

The ease of use of a source control management system is one of the most important factors to consider. It should be easy to set up and use the system to get started quickly. Additionally, it should be easy to add new users and manage permissions so that you can control who has access to your code.

2. Integration With Other Tools

Another important consideration is integration with other tools. The source control management system should integrate seamlessly with the tools you are already using, such as your IDE, text editor, and build system. This will make it easier to work with your code and avoid disruptions to your workflow.

3. Support for Multiple Users

If you are working with a team of developers, it is important to choose a source control management system that supports multiple users. The system should allow multiple users to work on the same codebase simultaneously and provide a way to merge changes from different users. Additionally, it should have features such as versioning and branching so that you can easily manage different versions of your code.

4. Security

Security is another important consideration when choosing a source control management system. The system should have features such as authentication and authorization so that only authorized users can access your code. Additionally, the system should encrypt data in transit so that it cannot be intercepted by third parties.

5. Reliability

The source control management system should be reliable so that you can trust it to store your code safely and securely. Additionally, the system should have features such as redundancy and backups so that your code is protected in case of hardware or software failures.

If you’re not already using source control, it’s time to start!

If you’re not using any version control, it’s time to start! Source code is the lifeblood of a project, and without it, you’re in big trouble. It doesn’t matter if you’re working on a solo project or with a team of developers; your code needs to be backed up and protected from loss. Not only does this ensure that your work is safe, but it also gives other developers access to all of the changes made during the lifetime of a project. When collaborating with others on projects, source control provides an easy way for programmers to track what changes have been made by who. With Git being such an easy-to-use tool for managing versions and sharing code, there’s no reason why every programmer shouldn’t be using it!

Start with Git if you don’t know where to begin. Git is a popular source control system with great documentation and a supportive community. No matter what system you choose, make sure to use one! There are many types of source control systems out there, but one of my favourites is Git. Git is a very flexible tool, and it’s developed to be customized to suit your workflow or team project structure. I find it particularly useful for small teams where all members have push access, as I mentioned above. Having said that, Git isn’t for everyone, and many people prefer to work with a more centralized version control system, such as Subversion.

Let me know how source control has helped you in your programming career!
